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Archive for July, 2013

Jul '13

Window Well Covers

In old times the well was a very important location of a house. Because we need water to survive household members usually did two or three trips to and from the well to fetch water. There is also the famous nursery rhyme of Jack and Jill who went up the hill to fetch water. Though […]

Jul '13

Jobs for 14 year olds

It is sometimes hard for a teenager to find a job. But there are quite a lot of available jobs for 14 year olds as well as for older ones. For a 14 year old to find work he or she first needs to verify with his or hers local state laws whether he or […]

Jul '13

Lined Jeans

Dress down Friday is my favorite day in a week; it feels like both freedom and opportunity served only for a whole day dress code in the office, and I know that I’m not the only one right about this. An office should always be a place of formality and sophistication. The outfit is one […]