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Jul '13

Lined Jeans

Dress down Friday is my favorite day in a week; it feels like both freedom and opportunity served only for a whole day dress code in the office, and I know that I’m not the only one right about this.

An office should always be a place of formality and sophistication. The outfit is one of a handful of denotation how to look like a professional in order to gain respect from clients, suppliers and other co-workers. However, when it is a time to dress yourself by your wardrobe choice, how could you maintain such an impression?

Worry not, even simple flannel lined jeans can do the magic. The trick is in your hands. Any jeans or skirt will look elegant as long you’d keep everyone’s attention on your tops. This, though difficult, could make you match up outfits you have never known possible before. Just keep a stiff jacket, long sleeves shirt, or an executive coat with you then you are good to survive the day.

Make sure, however, that these outfits for Fridays are flexible enough to be brought on a party right after work. You may never know who has the hip and chick mood to have fun. After all, it’s Friday people!

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